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Entries from September 1, 2011 - September 30, 2011


Facebook gets into lifelogging with their timeline feature

CNN coverage:

With 'real-time' apps, Facebook is always watching

(CNN) -- A couple years ago, a Microsoft researcher named Gordon Bell embarked on a personal experiment: He would wear a video camera around his neck all the time and keep this "life recorder" always turned on, so it would record everything he did.

It was like an external memory drive for his brain, he wrote in a book called "Total Recall."

Sounds pretty sci-fi, right? Not so much. The "real-time sharing" updates Facebook announced Thursday aim to do something quite similar -- only for the Internet instead of in real life.

 With 'Timeline' feature, Facebook goes eternal (or at least tries to)

"Timeline is the story of your life," Zuckerberg said.


Managing Health Information In Your Life - UW project

The University of Washinton's Managing Health Information In Your Life project has the goal of "Supporting the information management needs of breast cancer patients"

We are designing an information system to help people with breast cancer manager their health information. When making treatment decisions and undergoing treatment, patients are often overwhelmed by the accumulation of unfamiliar information that they need to keep and use. We want to make it easier for people to organize and maintain all of their information within the context of managing the rest of their lives and schedules.

Our best wishes to the team members! Here is some coverage of the project on CNN.


Introducing Organizing your life(logging) experiences

Just got a note from Eric Feng, the founder of announcing their first product based on organizating Collections of one's lifelogs e.g. photos, videos, notes nto wonderful productions. Eric was an entrepeneur in residence at Kliener Perkins Caufield and Byers, and KPCB is an investor.

Check out their blog ( for more info about Erly as well as an intro video about Collections, their first product. Or go to and give it a try. The team sollicits your feedback.

The concept and organization of the the Erly system corresponds to several Total Recall concepts: structuing one's life into segments of autobiographical memory, organizing content into collections, and providing various visualizations to display stories. Friends can add content and life segments can be uploaded to the social media sites.


SenseCam walk in California Hills

A walk through the hills of California, captured by SenseCam.


LifeLogging and Your Life Uploaded featured in London Times

In Memories Are Made of Disks (subscription) Simon Cox rounds up a nice collection of LifeLogging interviewees, including Gordon Bell, Jim Gemmell, Lyndsay Williams, Cathal Gurrin, and some skeptical neurologists and geographers. The skeptics are given a loud voice, especially in the print edition's "big brother" photo, but all angles are presented in an interesting way.