PASIG (Personal Archiving SIG) Talk (Video) Austin, TX 1/13/12

My keynote was taped and edited. The focus was on the role of academic institutions to maintain the lives of scholars in the 21st Century. It lasted an hour including 10 min Q&A. View it here. https://lib.stanford.edu/files/pasig-jan2012/13G1%20Bell,%20PASIG,%20Austin%202012-01-13.pdf
archivist roles,
preserving scholars in
The Future,

Reader Comments (1)
This is a good compilation. The relationship between life logging and personal information management and peronal ontologies remains unclear, however. I think it is a bit oversimplifying to reduce bio-memory to metadata and e-memory (which I call artificial memory) to the actual data. It leaves out the process of remembering and being reminded, which is far more complex than any of the software you mention could support in an adequate way. This reduces life logging to archiving, instead of understanding it as dynamic thought and memory augmentation.
:-) Lars